Gartner says Oracle is now viable when evaluating Public Cloud Providers

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In an article published July 27, 2020, the Gartner Group identified Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) as the most improved of any of the large Cloud providers (AWS and Azure) over the last twelve months. So much so that ZOOM selected OCI for urgent additional capacity in Spring 2020. Gartner goes on to say Oracle has crossed a critical threshold in 2020 making them a very viable option for scenario-specific workloads in the enterprise space.

There were several observations in the article; from an Eclipsys perspective, we wanted to highlight a few of the key messages for our customers.

  1. Include OCI in your evaluation, especially for Oracle workloads
  2. Engage an accredited Oracle solution expert – specifically those with the Oracle Cloud Services Provider (CSP) designation. Eclipsys has been operating with this designation for more than 2 years.
  3. Partner with organizations that can answer how to move to a “cloud smart” strategy versus “cloud-first”.  
  4. Look for experts that can explain the differences between OCI, AWS and Azure by enterprise workload type. Technically, operationally, financially with use cases.
  5. Align with certified organizations that have experience/references to architect, migrate and manage your cloud environment

At Eclipsys, we have been saying for more than three years that the move to the cloud for CORE Oracle enterprise workloads was in the early stages. Oracle’s investments in capability and the growth in regions – currently at 25 globally with a plan to grow to 41, are providing customers with many options especially for Public Sector where data must stay in the country.

If you have been thinking of Oracle as a software applications and database company – now is the time to have a look at the value of their Cloud solutions and how Eclipsys can help you drive measurable business value moving forward. Please reach out to Eclipsys at

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